Fear of Spiders, Animals & Insects
Does the sight of spiders, insects or other animals fill you with fear?
Fear of spiders and other creatures too
Many people are scared of spiders and sometimes insects and other animals too. If you came across a large tarantula, your natural self protective instinct would tell you that you need to be cautious, especially if you don’t know what sort of spider it is and whether it could be harmful or not.
What if the large spider wasn’t a tarantula? What if you were sat at home watching TV and a small, ordinary and completely harmless house spider walked across the floor? Looking at the situation objectively, you know that the spider is probably far more scared of a human who is many thousands of times bigger than itself. However, your subconscious mind perceives the situation in exactly the same way as it would if a whole army of large tarantulas was trekking across the floor.

Therapy for Fear of Spiders, Animals & Insects
The most effective therapy for you depends on your individual situation. Many people have found Hypnotherapy helpful for addressing fear of spiders, dogs, insects and other animals and talking with someone who is impartial and non-judgmental can help you to overcome your fears. Working with your subconscious mind, relaxation and anxiety release techniques can be taught which will enable you to develop a new calmer way of responding and leave your fears in the past.
Your First Session
At your first session, either at the clinic or online, we will talk about your situation in more detail, including your past experiences and goals, along with your role in the therapy process. You’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have and then we will move on to the therapy part of your session which may involve a combination of therapies such as Hypnotherapy, CBT and NLP combined with other talking therapies as appropriate.