Weight Loss
Just imagine what it would feel like if you could eat healthy foods and improve your fitness levels...
- No more dieting
- No more relying on food when you're bored or stressed
- No more feeling guilty about what you're eating
- No more feeling self conscious when you look in the mirror
Weight Loss Programme
- 6 Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Sessions
- Weight Loss & Healthy Lifestyle MP3 Downloads
- Healthy Eating Plan
- Weight Loss Hints & Tips
- Complimentary Hypnosis Relaxation MP3 Download
You will need to attend an initial consultation before starting the Weight Loss Programme in order to ensure that the programme is suitable for your situation.
Become healthier, slimmer and fitter with hypnotherapy
Weight Loss and the Subconscious Mind
Perhaps you’ve already tried various diets. Maybe you’ve also tried Weight Watchers or Slimming World. Diets rely on people eating the right quantities and types of food in order to lose weight and for some people, when combined with their willpower and motivation, they can be a very effective way to achieve healthy weight loss. However, although you may want to lose weight on a conscious level, your subconscious mind may have other ideas. By working with your subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can be an effective way to increase your motivation levels and lose weight.
About the Weight Loss Programme
Before your initial consultation, I will ask you to complete an information form and then during your appointment, we will go through your answers and identify any problems or beliefs that may be contributing to your eating patterns and lifestyle. Weight loss hypnotherapy is a course of six sessions which are held every two weeks. The sessions combine hypnosis, NLP and therapy and cover a variety of themes including emotional eating, portion control and exercise. You will also receive MP3 downloads to listen to, along with eating guidelines to follow and other tasks to help you change your old habits and adopt a more positive, motivated and healthier lifestyle.
What Does it Involve?
To benefit fully from the hypnotherapy programme, it is essential that you want to lose weight and that you want a healthy lifestyle. The emphasis during the programme is on taking responsibility for your weight loss and on not making excuses. It is expected that you participate fully and follow the eating guidelines as well as listening to the MP3 downloads provided and carrying out other tasks as part of the programme. Clients who do not participate fully will be removed from the programme and where programme sessions have been booked and paid for in advance, a pro rata refund will be issued in accordance with the Client Agreement.
Is it Guaranteed to Work?
There are a variety of factors that can determine the outcome of weight loss hypnotherapy, including your situation and the level of rapport with your therapist. However the most important are your motivation and participation. To be successful, you will need to make changes to your lifestyle and eating habits and follow the advice in this programme. Hypnotherapy has a good track record in helping people to change their eating habits and lose weight, with changes often being seen within a few weeks. However, the key to success is you, so you need to play your part too.